Warianty tytułu
Participation of International Financial Institutions in Projects of Economic Aid for Central and Eastern Europe in the Years 1989-1992
Języki publikacji
Autor przedstawił działania wspierające przekształcenia systemowe w gospodarkach krajów postkomunistycznych przez międzynarodowe instytycje finansowe takie jak: Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy, Bank Światowy, Europejski Bank Odbudowy i Rozwoju.
International financial institutions (IMF, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) participate in a difficult process of economic and socio-economic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this participation is to assist the efforts of the reformist countries with technical and financial means in the transition from a centrally-planned to a market-style economy. In practice the potential financial support is taken advantage of to a limited extent only. In order to increase the effectiveness of the offered aid by the three major international financial institutions, it is indispensable to make political conceptions more flexible, to introduce new instruments of exercising this assistance and even to work out some unconventional conceptions of the solution of the complicated problems posed by transformation processes. To achieve these goals it is necessary to broaden the scope of co-operation and coordinate the aid projects of the three financial institutions named above. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Raport IMF, "Survey" kwiecień-czerwiec 1992, IMF Washington 1992.
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