Warianty tytułu
Financial Crisis of the State: Symptoms, Roots and Prospects of Its Resolution
Języki publikacji
Autor omówił zjawiska świadczące o kryzysie finansowym państwa, scharakteryzował ich przyczyny, a następnie przeanalizował możliwości jego przezwyciężenia omawiając różne opcje proponowane przez ugrupowania polityczno-gospodarcze.
Taking Poland as an example the author analyzes the following phenomena: 1. mutual indebtedness of various sections of the financial system, 2. general practice of not fulfilling financial obligations, 3. the increase of credit drawn by the public sector at an expense of enterprises, 4. the financial trap in which the budget found itself. These occurrences are recognized as the symptoms of the financial crisis which has manifested itself in the course of the transformation of post-socialist societies. The author thinks that it is unjustified to describe those phenomena as crisis of public finances and points out their political origin as well as their consequences. In particular the author emphasizes that the crisis is of transformational nature and is connected with to process of evolution from the economy limited by supply (command economy) to the economy limited by demand (market economy). At the same time it is also of structural nature and results from the liberal programme of system transformation that is being implemented. In this context the author analyzes the main directions of changes that could lead to the resolution of the state financial crisis. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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- Topiński A., Co w górę, co w dół, "Gazeta Wyborcza" 18 I 1993, nr 14A.
Typ dokumentu
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