Warianty tytułu
The Soviet Union's Stand on Problems Pertaining to Occupation of Japan
Języki publikacji
Omówiono działania polityczne ZSRR wobec okupowanej po kapitulacji po II wojnie światowej - Japonii.
In the paper the author made an attempt at the presentation of the little known issue of the Soviet Union's stand on the issues pertaining to the occupation of Japan. In the period of the occupation of Japan from September 1945 to April 1952, the Soviet Union was represented in the two bodies established by the Allies - the Far East Committee und the Council of the Allies for Japan and through them tried to influence the political, military and economic developments in the country. Any changes in those spheres were inseparably connected with their democratization. The Soviet members of the two Committees made efforts to ensure the disarmament and demilitarization of the Japanese economy, elimination of Japanese militarists from the state administration offices and the parliament, adoption of a new constitution of Japan, defence of the rights of Japanese trade unions, agricultural reform, and made an attempt at a formal accusation of the Emperor Hirohito for genocide. These efforts were always accompanied by attempts at changing the standpoint of American authorities who were reluctant to support the Soviet initiatives. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- "Keesing's Contemporary Archives" z 13-20 X i 17-24 XI 1945 r., vol. 5.
- "Keesing's Contemporary Archives" z 2-9 III 1946, vol. 6.
- Agrarian Reform, w: The Far Eastern Commission. Third Report by the Secretary General, December 24, 1948 - June 30, 1950, Washington 1950.
- Basic Post-Surrender Policy for Japan (FEC Policy Decision), June 19, 1947, w: Terms of Reference of the Far Eastern Commission, Report by the Secretary General, February 26, 1946 - July 10,1947, Washington 1947.
- Basic Principles for a-New Japanese Constitution (FEC Policy Decision, July 2, 1946), w: Terms of Reference of the Far Eastern Commission, Report by the Secretary General, February 26, 1946 - July 10,1947, Washington 1947.
- Cohen J.B., Japan's Economy in War and Reconstruction, Minneapolis London 1949.
- Comment by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (MacArthur) on the Letter From the Soviet Member of the Allied Council for Japan (Derevyanko) Released to the Press, June 13,1949, w: "DAFR", January 1 - December 31, 1949, Princeton London 1949.
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- Grubyj proizvol amerikanskogo predstavitelja v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii (3 III 1948), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1948 god, Moskva 1950.
- Historia drugiej wojny światowej 1939-1945, pod red. D.F. Ustinowa i in., tłum. z j. ros. Warszawa 1984, t. 11.
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- Nota Sovetskogo Pravitel'stva Pravitel'stvam SSzA, Velikobritanii i Kitaja (1 II 1950), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1950 god, Moskva 1953.
- O Dal'nevostocznoj Komissii i Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii, w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1945 god, Moskva 1949.
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- Pis'mo generała Kislenko predsedatelja Sojuznogo Soveta dlja Japonii (28 VIII 1948); V Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii (28 VIII 1948); Press-konferencija u sovetskogo predstavitelja v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii (6 IX 1948), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1948 god, Moskva 1950.
- Political Policies of Occupation, w: "DAFR", January 1 - December 31, 1950, Binghampton New York 1953.
- Principles for Japanese Trade Unions (FEC Policy Decision, December 6, 1946), w: Terms of Reference of the Far Eastern Commission, Report by the Secretary General, February 26, 1946 - July 10,1947, Washington 1947.
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- Recz' obvinitelja ot SSSR A.N. Vasil'eva na tokijskom processe glavnych japońskich voennych prestupnikov (17-18 11 1948), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1948 god, Moskva 1950.
- Rekomendacija predstavitelja Sovetskogo Sojuza v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii o raboczom zakonoda- tel'stve (10 VII 1946), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1946 god, Moskva 1952.
- Smirnov L.N., Zajcev E., Sud v Tokio, Moskva 1984.
- Soviet-Anglo-American Communique, December 27, 1945, w: A Decade of American Foreign Policy, Bassic Documents (1941-1949), Washington 1950.
- Statement by Frank R. McCoy, U.S. Representative on the Far Eastern Commission, May 12, 1949, w: A Decade of American Foreign Policy, Bassic Documents (1941-1949), Washington 1950.
- Statistical Yearbook of Japan 1949.
- Terms of Reference of the Far Eastern Commission, Report by the Secretary General, February 26, 1946 - July 10,1947, Washington 1947.
- The Far Eastern Commission. Third Report by the Secretary General, December 24, 1948 - June 30, 1950, Washington 1950.
- Trial of Japanese War Criminals (FEC Policy Decision 24, 1949 i FEC Policy Decision, March 31, 1949), w: The Far Eastern Commission. Third Report by the Secretary General, December 24, 1948 - June 30, 1950, Washington 1950.
- United States Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan, September 6, 1945, w: A Decade of American Foreign Policy, Bassic Documents (1941-1949), Washington 1950.
- V Dal'nevostocznoj Komissii (3 III 1949), Zajavlenije A.S. Panjuszkina w Dal'nevostocznoj Komissii (13 VII 1949), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1949 god, Moskva 1953.
- V Dal'nevostocznoj Komissii w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1948, Moskva 1950.
- V Dal'nevostocznoj Komissii w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1949 god, Moskva 1953.
- V Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii (28 IV 1948), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1948 god, Moskva 1950.
- Vystuplenie generała Derevjanko v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii po voprosu o chode vypolnenija zemel'nej reformy (23 VII 1947), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1947 god, Moskva 1952.
- Vystuplenie predstavitelja SSSR v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii generala Derevjanko po voprosu o czlenach japonskogo parlamenta, kotorye dolżny byt' ustraneny s dolżnostej v obszczestvennych organizacijach, a także izniżnej palaty (13 XI 1946), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1946 god, Moskva 1952.
- Vystuplenija predstavitelja SSSR v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii generala Derevjanko po voprosam ugledobyczi i vyborov v mestnye administrativnye organy Japonii (16 X 1946), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1946 god, Moskva 1952.
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- Zajavlenie predstavitelja SSSR v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii general-lejtnanta Derevjanko po povodu dejatel'nosti Demobilizacionnogo Bjuro pri Japońskim Pravitel'stve (5 X 1946), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1946 god, Moskva 1952.
- Zajavlenie sovetskogo predstavitelja v Dal'nevostocznoj Komissii (16 IX 1948), w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1948 god, Moskva 1950.
- Zajavlenije Otdela Peczati pri predstavitele SSSR v Sojuznom Sovete dlja Japonii na press-konferencii, w: Vnesznjaja Poiitika Sovetskovo Sojuza 1946 god, Moskva 1952.
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