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The Role of "Displacement" as a Sociological Determinant of the Polish-German Agreement and Integration of the German Minority in Poland on the Example of Wielkopolska in the Period of Contemporary Changes in Europe
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Autor omawia pojęcia "wysiedleńców" i "wypędzonych" oraz charakteryzuje w aspekcie historycznym i społecznym stosunki polsko-niemieckie oraz drogi ich pojednania, ich związki z Ojczyznami. Omawia problem wpływu "wypędzenia" na tworzenie porozumienia polsko-niemieckiego i włączenia do tego procesu mniejszości niemieckiej w Polsce.
The problem of displacement is by its very nature a very complex and multi-dimensional matter. This results from the fact that it directly concerns people and such a delicate sphere as their psyche and feeling connected with culture, awareness or simply emotional attachment to the place of residence. If all this is accompanied by human tragedy and misery resulting from the cruelty of "displacement" and its influence on the process of reconciliation between nations. It is the more difficult that people who are the only natural basis for the research worker either try to forget about the painful past, or for such a long time they have become assimilated with the nation they shared their lives with. This article is only an attempt to look at this problem through the prism of history and the existing sociological conditions. The author also indicates how the potential and possibilities of the German minority in Wielkopolska could be used in the practical implementation of the idea of Polish-German reconciliation in "small motherlands", i.e. towns or rural districts. Moreover, the author reveals the dynamics of changes occurring in the Polish-German relations and the historical role which could be played by the "displaced" and the German minority in Poland, becoming a real ambassador of the mutual relations between the two nations. According to the author this article should contribute to a wider discussion of these problems with actual participants of the events mentioned in the article. (original abstract)
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