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Widoczny [Schowaj] Abstrakt
Liczba wyników
1995 | nr 457 | 19--35
Tytuł artykułu

Podejścia do badań segmentacji rynku

Warianty tytułu
Approaches to the Studies of Market Segmentation
Języki publikacji
Segmentacja rynku jest jedną z najbardziej rozległych i trudnych obszarów badań marketingowych. Autor wyróżnia i omawia dwa podstawowe typy podejść w badaniach segmentacji rynku, tj: dezagregacja rynku na makrosegmenty w oparciu o struktury produkt-rynek oraz agregacja a priori lub post hoc konsumentów - w celu identyfikacji mikrosegmentów rynku.
The paper deals with basic approaches to the studies of consumption goods market segmentation. The starting point is the difference between macrosegmentation and microsegmentation of the market and, within the latter, the difference between the a prion segmentation and post hoc segmentation. The divisions are important for the identification of variables being the segmentation base, and profile variables. A proper classification of variables necessitates - beside determining an approach to the research - also taking into consideration the purpose of the studies as well as analytical techniques used in the research. Taking into consideration the selected criteria and approaches to the segmentation, three main currents of the segmentation studies have been characterized at large: 1) the behavioral current stressing the relational character of the market segments (response functions, satisfaction deficiency matrix), 2) the psychographic current connected with the latent dimension of segmentation (psychographic inventory, latent structure analysis, structural-causal models LISREL, factor analysis), 3) the perceptional current based on the space and properties of products in consumers' views (analysis of similarities and preferences, distance models and vector models). (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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