Warianty tytułu
Selected Problems of the Organization if Informative Accounting for the Needs of Rational Management
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono jakościowe atrybuty systemu informatycznego rachunkowości, funkcje rachunkowości finansowej i zarządczej w ujęciu modelowym i problemy organizacji cykli przetwarzania danych w skomputeryzowanej rachunkowości.
The organization of informative accounting as regards the quality of the systems adapted to the function of two accounting classes - the managerial class and the financial class - and to the needs of management, can effectively counteract the errors and dangers that the rapid development of computer techniques brings about. The organization of informative accounting systems connected with the realization of duplicable or single microcomputer systems must include not only the recording aspect of the accounting system but also the aspect of its usefulness for management. It is advisable to set construction standards in that respect. Quality assessment (attestions) of the information systems that are to be introduced is concerned with reliability, efficiency and precision of information processes, the range and degree of integration, and the possibilities of assistance when making economic decisions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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