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Logistics Strategy in Manufacturing Enterprises
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę wypełnienia tej luki przez ocenę dotychczasowego dorobku teoretycznego, uzasadnienie celowości wyodrębniania strategii logistycznej, zaproponowanie spójnej procedury jej kreowania i realizacji oraz określenie zewnętrznych uwarunkowań i czynników determinujących skuteczne wprowadzanie strategii logistycznej w krajowych przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych. Podjęta problematyka jest bardzo obszerna, co może sprawiać wrażenie, że nie wszystkie poruszone tematy zostały opracowane z wystarczającą i jednakową szczegółowością. Jednak zawężenie obszaru rozważań nie było możliwe ze względu na potrzebę kompleksowego ujęcia, na uszczegółowienie zaś nie pozwalała ograniczona objętość książki. (fragment tekstu)
According to the Porter's value chain inbound and outbound logistics are important factors in achieving a competitive advantage. Furthermore, in order to achieve the competitive advantage even more important than operational aspects is a strategic dimension of logistics. Thus, logistics strategy can be understood as a means for supporting the firm's overall goal to achieve competitive advantage. Theoretically, the choice of the type of logistics strategy depends on profile of a firm's industry and its product line. But, in fact, the generic logistics strategies are generally implemented as a mix. Case studies prove that they are not usually focused on cost minimalization, customer service standard or control/flexible achievement Thus, it is impossible to find out one or several universal logistics strategy options. On the other hand, it is possible and necessary to develop appropriate methods and techniques for logistics strategy management.
The aim of the study is to choose, adopt and develop an appropriate approach to business logistics strategy formulation and implementation in strategy management process according to restrictive Polish conditions. From the logistics strategy stand-point Poland is recognized as a region of dynamic variation and complexity which defy the application of standard procedures and solutions. Therefore the identification of external and internal factors of logistics strategy in most Polish manufacturing enterprises is also an intermediary aim of the study.
The study tries to prove that the traditional review/audit methodology for logistics strategy management can be successfully utilized by industrial enterprises in Poland on conditions that the firms are able to overcome a lot of internal and external restrictive conditions. Particularly the statement concerns internal barriers, such as:
- lack of logistics strategy awareness (disorganized management usually looks for short-term solutions and it has sources not only in rapid environmental changes, but also in the lack of knowledge and skills),
- lack of qualified managers (managers with broad logistics experiences are not generally available and most managers have concentrated their work experience in only one of logistics activity such as e.g. transportation and warehousing),
- improper organization of logistics (poor organization causes the misuse of functional authority in the company and creates a lot of logistics and manufacturing problems),
- lack of adequate facilities (especially lack of computer facilities as well as automatical material handling equipment),
- unreasonable share of own transportation services.
In order to identify the barriers and prove the possibility of implementation of a modern logistics long-term solutions in Polish manufacturing enterprises the author utilized subjectivist research approach mostly based on case studies, observations and studying literature. (original abstract)
The aim of the study is to choose, adopt and develop an appropriate approach to business logistics strategy formulation and implementation in strategy management process according to restrictive Polish conditions. From the logistics strategy stand-point Poland is recognized as a region of dynamic variation and complexity which defy the application of standard procedures and solutions. Therefore the identification of external and internal factors of logistics strategy in most Polish manufacturing enterprises is also an intermediary aim of the study.
The study tries to prove that the traditional review/audit methodology for logistics strategy management can be successfully utilized by industrial enterprises in Poland on conditions that the firms are able to overcome a lot of internal and external restrictive conditions. Particularly the statement concerns internal barriers, such as:
- lack of logistics strategy awareness (disorganized management usually looks for short-term solutions and it has sources not only in rapid environmental changes, but also in the lack of knowledge and skills),
- lack of qualified managers (managers with broad logistics experiences are not generally available and most managers have concentrated their work experience in only one of logistics activity such as e.g. transportation and warehousing),
- improper organization of logistics (poor organization causes the misuse of functional authority in the company and creates a lot of logistics and manufacturing problems),
- lack of adequate facilities (especially lack of computer facilities as well as automatical material handling equipment),
- unreasonable share of own transportation services.
In order to identify the barriers and prove the possibility of implementation of a modern logistics long-term solutions in Polish manufacturing enterprises the author utilized subjectivist research approach mostly based on case studies, observations and studying literature. (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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