Warianty tytułu
Use of Elektrokinetic Measurements for Assessment of Fluctuation of Surface Properties of Selected Germent Fabrics
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie metodyki i wyników badań zmian własności powierzchniowych odzieży z tkanin poliestrowych poliamidowych oraz dzianin wykonanych z włókien poliakrylonitrylowych w procesach prania oraz pokrywania powierzchni preparatami antyelektrostatycznymi.
In the processes of manufacturing and wearing of readymade germents surface phenomena, among which electrokinetic phenomena constitute a characteristic group, play a significant role. Phenomena of this kind manifest themselves in such processes as soiling, elimination of dirt during washing, dry-cleasing, covering surfaces with anti-electrostatic preparations, etc. In the paper the author presents the methods and results of the investigation into electrokinetic properties of fabrics in the process of laudnering and covering surfaces with anti-electrostatic preparations. The results of the investigation demonstrate that electrokinetic measurements taken in conditions of wearing and washing existing in real life may contribute to the assessment of a number of properties of textile products as well as to the evaluation of detergents used in laudering, dry-cleaning and upkeep. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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