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Widoczny [Schowaj] Abstrakt
Liczba wyników
1996 | z. 26, nr 740 | 73--105
Tytuł artykułu

Cena jako narzędzie marketingowe

Warianty tytułu
Price as a Marketing Tool
Języki publikacji
Artykuł jest próbą zwrócenia uwagi na najważniejsze problemy związane z procesem ustanawiania cen w przedsiębiorstwie o orientacji marketingowej. Cena stanowi tu tylko jedno z narzędzi marketingu współtworzących znany paradygmat marketingowy w postaci 4P (cena, produkt, promocja i dystrybucja). Szczególny akcent położono na marketingową formułę kształtowania cen oraz jej związki z formułą kosztową i popytową. Sformułowano także podstawowe zasady i cele polityki cen oraz wyboru strategii cen. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In this paper price is considered as an element of marketing-mix. It plays a special role in company's activity which means that it links together all the marketing instruments to fulfill customer requirements and at the same time it generates profits to fulfill company objectives. This article covers three approaches to making prices decisions, i.c.: cost, demand and marketing formula, with an emphasis on the marketing approach to pricing. Despite limitations in cost and demand approaches, they both contribute to setting the upper and lower limits to pricing discretion. Other important inpusts to the pricing decision considered are: company and marketing objectives, company resources, competion and market structure, social and legal aspects and a number of other factors according to the circumstances. The need to take into account all of them makes it essential that a company should establish a framework of pricing policies and procedures to include: prices and company objectives, pricing and marketing strategy, procedures and methods for setting specific prices, price changes, credit and discount policy. Finally it's worth stressing that pricing decisions are a strategic issue. That gives rise to the following implications: -pricing decisions should be made in the context of the overall marketing objectives and strategy, -they should be consistent with other marketing instruments, -they should not place too much emphasis on cost inputs to the decision, to mention just the main ones. Depending on the product life cycle a company can select one of three types of marketing price strategies: market-skiming pricing, market-penetration pricing and market-positioning pricing. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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  • Winkler I.: Pricing for Results. Butterworth-Heniemann Ltd., Oxford, 1991.
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  • Obłój K.: Strategia sukcesu firmy, PWE, Warszawa, 1993.
  • Grabowski L., Rutkowski I., Wrzosek W.: Marketing, PWE, Warszawa, 1992.
  • Podstawka K.: Marketing, CIM, Warszawa, 1991.
  • Kotler P., Armstrong G.: Marketing. An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, USA, 1991.
  • Kingston P.: Wielka księga marketingu, Signum, Kraków, 1992.
  • Jefkins F.: A First Course in Marketing, DP Publications, Londyn, 1989.
  • Bayliss J.S.: Marketing for Engineers, Londyn, 1985.
  • Sztucki T.: Marketing, Placet, Warszawa, 1992.
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  • Wilson M.: Zarządzanie marketingiem w przedsiębiorstwie, Stalowa Wola, 1993.
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