Warianty tytułu
Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Share Prices
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest opisanie podstawowych związków czynników makroekonomicznych (koniunktury gospodarczej, stopy bezrobocia, inflacji stopy procentowej, kursu walut), które mają bezpośredni lub pośredni wpływ na poziom kursów akcji. Zależności te autor przedstawił w ujęciu syntetycznym.
The paper presents basic relationships between macroeconomic factors affecting directly or indirectly share prices. The analysis includes such macroeconomic magnitudes as: course of business cycle, inflation rate, interest rate, budget deficit, zloty rate, and trade balance. The principal statements and conclusions are as follows: 1) over a long run the business cycle in positively correlated with market prices of shares; 2) There is a negative correlation between inflation and share price-inflation, independently of money supply, negatively affects share prices; 3) The effect of the interest rate on share prices is negative and many-sided - through economic situation, corporate profits, accepted rate of discounting the expected future incomes; 4) The indirect effect on share prices is exerted by the rate of exchange - a decrease in the exchange rate leads to an increase in the interest rate (the negative effect on the rate), it strengthens also the competitive position of domestic industry (the positive effect through corporate profits).(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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