Warianty tytułu
Directions in Market Segmentation Research
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano podstawowe kierunki badań segmentacyjnych rynku, a w szczególności modeli identyfikacji segmentów rynku.
The paper presents the main directions in market segmentation research. They are based on market segmentation structures in which three fundamental dimensions have been distinguished: a) structural dimension connected with the determination of the segmentation base (structure vs relation); b) perceptive dimension concerning the description of segment profile (observable vs latent structures or relations); c) subsantial dimension expressing the ontological status of market segments (real objects vs abstract notion systems). Special attention is drawn to two important directions in the segmentation research. One is connected with the identification of latent segmentation structures. For this purpose the analysis of structures and latent categories is used. The other direction is connected with segmentation based on personal values, in which lists and scales of values and their systems are used ("Values and Life Styles" by Mitchell, "Value Survey" by Rokeach or "List of Values" by Kahle).(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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