Warianty tytułu
Variants of Methods Focussing on Profit-Generation Ability for Determination of Enterprises Value
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano i scharakteryzowano formuły metod dochodowych wyceny przedsiębiorstwa. Zdaniem autora istnieje ścisłe powiązanie wycen dochodowych z problematyką rachunku efektywności inwestycji.
The requirements of economic practice cencerning the need for carrying out the valuation of enterprises have led to the ceration of numerous methods of valuation. Specific nature of the logic of the market economy causes that an enterprise is estimated by investors mainly by its ability to generate profits. This and other needs caused that enterproses valuation using methods analyzing profit-generation ability gains in importance. A practical application of these methods have resulted in the shaping of a numbers of their variations allowing for the specific features that occur due to a particular economic and financial position of an enterprise that is undergoing the process of valuation. An indepth analysis of the methods presented in the article, of their nature and content they reflect, and conditions that are behind them ahould stimulate the improvement and expansion of the set of methods serving the task of enterprises valuation - also within the framework of another group of methods constituted by mixed methods. (original abstract)
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