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Applying a Decision Game M-A-D to Organization Change Process
Języki publikacji
Zaprezentowano grę kierowniczą "Market-Analysis-Decision" jako narzędzie diagnozy i doskonalenia kadry kierowniczej, szczególnie w procesie zmian organizacyjnych.
This article discusses the issue of applying a computer controlled decision game to the organization change process. We propose a business game M-A-D as the utility for trening as well as diagnosing managers in organization. As a traning method - among others - the game objectives are:
- to develop skills of decision making in changing market situations,
- to realize the importance of market information for firm success,
- to develop the skills of analyzing and applying certain information in decision making.
As a method of diagnozing the game gives the opportunity to gather information concerning:
- evaluation of management staff,
- the forces of change and resistance in organization,
- strategic analysis,
- evaluation of trening needs. (original abstract)
- to develop skills of decision making in changing market situations,
- to realize the importance of market information for firm success,
- to develop the skills of analyzing and applying certain information in decision making.
As a method of diagnozing the game gives the opportunity to gather information concerning:
- evaluation of management staff,
- the forces of change and resistance in organization,
- strategic analysis,
- evaluation of trening needs. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Kay J.: Foundations of Corporate Success. Oxford 1993.
- Koziński J., Przybyła M., Wudarzewski W.: Gry i ćwiczenia kierownicze. Wrocław 1991.
- McEven N. et. al.: Managing Organizational Change - A Strategic Approach. "Long Range Planning" 1988 vol. 21 nr 6.
- Pont T.: Developing Effective Training Skills. McGraw-Hill 1991.
- Stoner J.A.F., Wankel C.: Kierowanie. Warszawa 1992.
- Wexley K.N., Latham G.P.: Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations. 1991.
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