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1997 | nr 480 | 43--56
Tytuł artykułu

Zastosowania modeli Arrowa-Debreu w analizie rynków finansowych

Warianty tytułu
Application of Arrow-Debreu Models to Analysis of Financial Markets
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy jest konstrukcja rozszerzenia systemu ekonomicznego Debreu z własnością prywatną do modelu z pieniądzem, co poprzedzone jest zwięzłym przeglądem głównych kierunków wykorzystania modeli Debreu w analizie ekonomii pieniądza, a więc opis modeli sekwencyjnych, stochastycznych, a także modeli z równowagą nie-Walrasowską. (fragment tekstu)
In the static Arrow-Debreu model money fulfils only a neutral role of a measure of value, whereas the problem of treating money as a specific commodity which can serve as a carrier of value between two periods of time has not been taken into consideration. It can thus be seen that possibilities of applying classical Arrow-Debreu models to analysis of financial markets are quite restricted, because they require taking into consideration the factor of time in order to be subject to dynamical analysis. Introducing into them an element of risk is another problem, because these models are deterministic, that is the conditions in which the market participants act are prescribed. Hence the aim of the present paper is to construct an extension of Debreu model with private property to a model with money, which enables one to study the influence of money on market participants capabilities to consume and to product. The construction is preceded by a concise survey of main trends in applications of Arrow-Debreu models to the analysis of the economic of money, that is by a description of sequential and stochastic models as well as models with non-Walrasian equilibrium. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
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