Warianty tytułu
Bad Loans-Analysis
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska trudnych kredytów w polskiej praktyce bankowej ostatnich lat. Autorka definiuje pojęcie "trudnych kredytów", jego przyczyny, trudne kredyty w sektorze przedsiębiorstw i banków, skalę zjawiska i jego skutki.
The problem of bad loans in the Polish economy arose mainly as a result of the implementation in January, 1990, of the stabilization plan of the economy the element of which was a significant increase of interests on loans. The ensuing recession, opening the market to foreign competition, the collapse of traditional export markets lead to a slump in manufacturing. Consequently, there appeared difficulties in the sevicing of a considerable part of loans, which, in turn, lead to the high indebtedness of enterprises. Banks which in their portfolios had risky loans did not react fast enough to cope with the unusual behaviour of creditees. Bad loans are loans that have not been paid back or when the probability of paying them back is very low. In the analyzed banksbelonging to the so-called "nine" group in the years 1991-1993 - bad loans increased several or even more then 10 times in some cases. It is estimated that they constitute 30 procent of the entire crediting portfolio.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Parfiniewicz A., Żebrowski J., Restrukturyzacja finansowa banków i przedsiębiorstw (ustawa z komentarzem), Centrum Informacji Menedżera, Warszawa 1993.
- Polański Z., Polityka kredytowo-pieniężna a system finansowy w Polsce w latach 1990-93.
- Skalniak F., Elementy gospodarki pieniężnej przedsiębiorstwa, pomocnicze materiały dydaktyczne, AE, Kraków 1991.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA