Warianty tytułu
Innovative Methods of Financing the Activities Connected with the Protection of Nature in the Tatra National Park
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest analiza innowacyjnych metod uzyskiwania dodatkowych przychodów stosowanych w latach 90-tych przez Tatrzański Park Narodowy. Autor zinwentaryzował i scharakteryzował metody uzyskiwania dodatkowych przychodów, inne źródła przychodów i perspektywy dalszych zmian w sposobach finansowania działalności parku, główne kierunki działań w zakresie ochrony przyrody w TPN, a także możliwości wykorzystania doświadczeń TPN w innych parkach narodowych.
The author analyses innovative methods of generating additional income used by the authorities of the Tatra National Park. The solutions used (financial instruments) have been verified from the point of view of the possibilities of using them in other national parks. The presented solutions used by the authorities of the Tatra National Park speak of considerable financial independence they have gaind, while complying with the articles of the Park. The author discusses the ideas of entrance tickets, licence to run business, and other financial mechanisms. As a result of applying these mechanisms the Tatra National Park has achieved the highest level of financial independence, as compared with other parks - the budget grant covers but 40 procent of the expenses. It seems that the presented solutions can be transferred to other national parks although in each case a detailed analysis should be done with respect to the effectiveness, introduceability and exactability of each of the instruments.(original abstract)
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Identyfikator YADDA