Warianty tytułu
Formal and Legal Regulations Underlying Valuation of Companies and Their Property
Języki publikacji
Na tle prawnych unormowań procedury i metod wyceny przedsiębiorstwa i jego składników majątkowych, autor przedstawił metody stosowane w Polsce. Zestawił także polskie akty prawne związane z celami wyceny przedsiębiorstwa.
The legal regulations governing the process of company valuation in the form of establishing the formal rules and principles employed in the course of such valuation are an element validating and objectifying their results, especially as regards some principal spheres and areas of its application in economic practice. The scope and character of regulations may by varied and generally result from the existing widely spread needs for valuation which indicate the key areas that demand an early introduction of formal and legal regulations. In economic practice there exists various forms of legal regulations applicable to the valuation of companies. They are varied from the point of view of both the way in which they are arranged and conducted and the country which inspired by its needs has adopted specific regulations in that area. The paper reviews and evaluates both foreign and domestic regulations which are used in that area.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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