Warianty tytułu
Institutional Conditions of the Restructuring of Poland's Economy as Exemplified by Province of Tarnobrzeg
Języki publikacji
Autor scharakteryzował instytucje zajmujące się restrukturyzacją gospodarki w województwie tarnobrzeskim, szczególne miejsce agencji rozwoju regionalnego w strukturze instytucjonalnej, sieć powiązań pomiędzy instytucjami i dokonał oceny wpływu tych instytucji na procesy rozwoju gospodarczego.
The paper has been compiled on the basis of research on the Province of Tarnobrzeg conducted within the framework of a research programme entitled "Regional and Local Conditions of Poland's Economic Restructuring". The research focused on the institutional infrastructure of the province and on its impact on the restructuring processes in question. The first section of the paper takes up the premises of the concept of "State inspired restructuring" originated by professor J. Hausner and the results of the above mentioned research should be interpreted within the framework of this very concept. The author also describes the modification which the authorities approach to the issue of regional development has undergone in the course of the economic transformation. The author subsequently presents the methodological assumptions of the research in question, the way in which it has been conducted and, finally, provides a listing of institutions which have been researched. He proceeds to make an in-depth presentation of the Agency for Regional Development's position within the structure of the institutional framework as well as the complex links of the said institutions. He also analyzes the impact which this institutional framework exerts on the process of development and presents the development and restructuring from the standpoint of the major players of the Province's economy. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
- Hausner J., Strategia negocjacyjna, "Życie Gospodarcze" 1995, nr 2.
- Hausner J., Kudłacz T., Szlachta J., Regionalne i lokalne uwarunkowania restrukturyzacji gospodarki Polski, AE, Kraków 1995.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA