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State Interventionism in Agriculture during the Market Transformations
Języki publikacji
Omówiono krótko przesłanki polityki dostosowawczej rolnictwa do zasad gospodarki rynkowej we wczesnych latach 90-tych, jej negatywne wyniki dla sektora rolnictwa i gospodarki żywnościowej i rodzin rolniczych i zastosowane w jej następstwie narzędzia interwencjonizmu państwa.
Introduction of market principles for economy operation resulted in almost complete resignation of the state from intervention in growth processes concerning agriculture already in early 1990s. The market mechanism did not, however, start spontaneous adjusting processes; on the contrary, it caused a drop in production, pauperization of villagers and exclusion of a substantial part of production potential in agriculture. Blocking of system transformation processes in agriculture extorted state intervention. Thus such intervention forms were institutionalized as: Farming Market Agency (Agencja Rynku Rolnego) [1990], Agency for the Agricultural Real Property of the Treasury (Agencja Własności Rolnej Skarbu Państwa) [1992], Fund for Restructuring and Liability Reduction in Agriculture (Fundusz Restrukturyzacji i Oddłużenia Rolnictwa) [1992] whose functions were taken over by Agency for Restructuring and Modernization in Agriculture (Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa) [1994]. Within the structural policy, the land sales were rationalized and the system of tax and investment allowances in agriculture was maintained. At the same time some actions initiating regulation of farming markets were taken (Sugar Act 1994). On the other hand, protectionism in agriculture was reflected by a gradual reintroduction of frontier barriers in food import (from 1991) and introduction of compensation duty on some farming and food goods imported from abroad. However, the effectiveness of such actions was limited. Lack of clearly specified purposes of such intervention and no consistency of taking decisions make the Polish system of agrarian interventionism temporary and incosistent.(original abstract)
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