Warianty tytułu
Financing of Health Care System in U.S.A.
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono system ochrony zdrowia w USA, jego strukturę organizacyjną (agencje rządowe i pozarządowe), sposoby i organizację finansowania jej, założenia reformy systemu i wnioski dla Polski.
The American health care system is of entirely different structure, functioning and factors conditioning it from the Polish model. The market mechanism that is encountered in the American system of the functioning of health care constitutes a specific "testing ground" in which specific solutions adopted in the management of the health care system are examined. Taking into consideration problems faced by the Polish health care system it would be wise to have a closer look at the solutions functioning in the market-oriented model. While reforming the Polish system one should take into consideration both the unsuccessful solutions and effective mechanisms functioning in the various models adopted in other countries.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Newbrander W., Parker D., The Public and Private Sectors in Health: Economic Issues, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 1992, vol. 7.
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- Roemer M.I., An Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System, Springer Publ. Co. Inc., 1986.
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- Sager A., Health Care Finance in the United States, Financing Health Care i Developing Countries, Boston University School of Public Health, December 1994.
- Sobczak A., Reforma ochrony zdrowia w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wnioski dla Polski, Instytut Finansów, Warszawa 1994.
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