Warianty tytułu
Effectiveness of Employment Agencies in the Years 1990-1993 (Case Study of Lodz Administrative Province)
Języki publikacji
Efektywność świadczy o skuteczności pośrednictwa. Oznacza ona zespół działań i środków stosowanych przez rejonowe urzędy pracy dla znalezienia pracy, z drugiej zaś strony dla zapewnienia przedsiębiorstwom odpowiednich pracowników. Badania skoncentrowano przede wszystkim na efektywności działań pośrednich (pożyczki udzielone bezrobotnym i podmiotom gospodarczym, prace interwencyjne, szkolenie i przekwalifikowanie bezrobotnych, roboty publiczne, okres oczekiwania na pracę). Autorka wysuwa wniosek, iż efektywność łódzkiego pośrednictwa pracy była niska. Wynikało to z niskiej aktywności gospodarczej, niedoborów finansowych, kadrowych, lokalowych i technicznych, a także budżetowego charakteru środków funduszu pracy, którego głównym zadaniem jest ochrona socjalna bezrobotnych. Podstawowa rola w przeciwdziałaniu bezrobociu należy bezwzględnie do wzrostu gospodarczego w skali kraju i województwa.
The article analyzes the effectiveness of employment agencies system operating in the Lodz Administrative Province in the years 1990-1993. We interpret this system as a set of activities and measures used by local employment agencies to find jobs for persons seeking them and appropriate employees for enterprises. The system in question is perceived very broadly by us, as it includes activities allowing the unemployed to use directly the offer of available jobs, as well as indirect measures creating an opportunity of finding temporary jobs (intervention and public works, additional places of work) or create a chance for finding a job through training and financial assistance (loans). Our survey was focussed on he effectiveness of indirect measures. It shows that the most effective measures were intervention works and training programmes, as they offered the best opportunities for the unemployed and, moreover, their cost was lower than costs of the remaining forms of assistance. They also created the biggest oportunities for the so-called permanent reactivation of jobless persons. During the analyzed period, we observed a growing activeness of employment agencies on local labour markets. This process means that more and more jobless persons could get jobs owing to the activity of employment agencies. It is our opinion, however, that the effectiveness of employment agencies in the Lodz Province was low, which was due to poor performance of local economic units, financial, personnel and technical problems of empoyment agencies. Without trying to undermine, to any extent, the importance of above mentioned forms of counteracting unemployment, it should be said that they can play only an auxiliary and supplementary role in eliminating this phenomenon, while the main role will be played by the economic growth strategy for the whole country and for this administrative province.(original abstract)
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