Warianty tytułu
Vocational Education in Economic Transformation Process (Case Study of Lodz Administrative Province)
Języki publikacji
Omówiono kierunki przemian i kierunki reformy kształcenia zawodowego w Polsce oraz system szkolny w województwie łódzkim wobec rynku pracy. Zmiany strukturalne w systemie kształcenia, w tym kształcenia zawodowego, powinny być przeprowadzone na podstawie prognozy rynku pracy. W sytuacji, gdy brak jest przewidywań wielkości i struktury zapotrzebowania na kadry kwalifikowane wynikającego z programu restrukturyzacji gospodarki województwa łódzkiego, trudno mówić o spójnym, wychodzącym jeszcze do przodu o 3-5 lat programie przekształceń struktury szkolnictwa. W realizacji funkcji doraźnego łagodzenia skutków bezrobocia wśród absolwentów istotne znaczenie ma rozszerzenie zakresu i roli orientacji zawodowej.
The article starts with the presentation of directions of changes in the vocational education in Poland. It is expected to fulfill two functions: provide general education and provide vocational education oriented at developing qualifications required by the economy. During the period of economic transformation these functions are of special importance. Hence, work has been undertaken to ensure a broad profile of occupation and link the vocational education with the economy. The reform of vocational education commenced in 1992 assumes organizational and programme changes. A special role in the reform will be played by the occupational orientation and guidance, which will be implemented in two stages, i.e. within the school system and within the system of labour market institutions. Against this background, the article analyzes the school system in the Administrative Province of Lodz. The quantitative analysis covered the years 1975-1992. It shows that there has declined the number of students in incomplete schools in all occupational groups and in post-secondary schools. On the other hand, the number of students in complete secondary schools, i.e. schools preparing for the secondary-school certificate has increased. Taking into account the demographic growth, the present period is considered to be favourable for transformations in the school and curriculum structure. It is difficult to give an explicit answer whether the school system in the Lodz Province is adapting itself to the changing situation on the labour market. There cannot be observed any major structural changes in the vocational education, while a change in proportions of the general and the vocational education, a greater elasticity of education and an expanded role of occupational orientation belong to long-term goals.(original abstract)
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