Warianty tytułu
Structural Aspect of Structural Changes in Germany's Economy
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem opracowania są przemiany strukturalne w gospodarce Niemiec. Omówiono pojęcie struktury i przekształceń strukturalnych, przyczyny ich zmian oraz interpretację w świetle hipotezy trójsektorowej. Zdaniem autora, zmiany te są zjawiskiem typowym dla państw wysoko rozwiniętych. Występuje tu wiele podobieństw zarówno co do zakresu, jak i sekwencji poszczególnych faz. Doświadczenia niemieckie i innych państw zachodnich mogą służyć dla prognozowania tych procesów w Polsce.
The economic practice shows that development processes in particular economies are characterized by constant structural changes both within particular regions and sectors. It proves that structural changes are not only an inseparable element accompanying economic growth but quite often a condition of positive changes in the economy taking place in its growth process. There exists a number of theoretical conceptions explaining causes of structural changes both in the sectorial and regional approach. In this article an attempt was made to present a three-sectorial hypothesis of structural changes on the basis of empirical data concerning the Federal Republic of Germany. The performed analysis shows that in the develoment process of Germany's economy there took place an evolution not only in the economy structure in its intersectorial aspect but also in the structure of particular sectors. The changes discussed in the article are a typical phenomenon for most highly developed countries. Their characteristic feature is the fact that these processes both as regards their scope and sequence of their stages display many similarities in most countries. The growing or the declining role of particular sectors within the economy is characterized by numerous causalities, with the most important of them being a mutual correlation between particular stages and level development attained by a given country. The analysis of structural changes on the example of Germany leads to the conclusion that the Germany experience, as well as the experience of other Western countries, can be helpful in forecasting these processes in Poland.(original abstract)
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