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1996 | 140 Bezrobocie w województwie łódzkim | 3--25
Tytuł artykułu

Strategie rynku pracy w Polsce

Warianty tytułu
Labour Market Strategies in Poland
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem referatu jest analiza strategii zatrudnienia i rynku pracy na przykładzie Polski. Podstawowe cechy strategii rynku pracy, stosowanej w latach 1990-1993, to: brak zintegrowanej polityki zatrudnienia w skali makro, spowalnianie tempa wzrostu bezrobocia za pomocą podatku od ponadnormatywnego wzrostu wynagrodzeń, dominacja słabego i pasywnego przeciwdziałania bezrobociu poprzez skokowy wzrost liczby wcześniejszych emerytur oraz rozwój osłon socjalnych. Autorka scharakteryzowała również stan i strukturę zatrudnienia oraz bezrobocie w Polsce.
Central European countries are facing the following crucial problems connected with the labour market: reduction of the excessive employment, transformation of employment's structure, increase of work efficiency and improvement of its quality, reduction of labour costs and the fight with inflation. Solutions to these problems should simultaneously solve the dilemma of the range of the government interventionism. The lack of an integrated employment policy in Poland is causing the excessive increase of unemployment. In addition, the labour market policy is to passive. There is some attempts of withdrawal from the neoliberal strategy of the labour market in favour of more active and complete policy, assuming complex evaluation of all socio-economic decisions through its consequences for the labour market and the social policy. The crucial requirements for effective strategies influencing the labour market are: closer integration of the employment policy and the labour market policy, broader taking into the consideration goals and conditions in the economy, based on the integration of elements from different strategies, dynamic development of active forms of unemployment reduction, use of explicit and strong evaluation criteria of labour markets strategy efficiency and the building of democratic and negotiable industrial relations.(original abstract)
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