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Stwierdzono, że wiele polskich firm realizuje strategię globalnego zarządzania przez jakość (Total Quality Management - TQM). Dobrym punktem wyjścia do opracowania i wdrażania w firmie strategicznego programu TQM jest system jakości zbudowany wg wytycznych oraz norm ISO serii 9000 i 10000. Postawiono pytanie: w jakim stopniu system zarządzania jakością zbudowany wg norm ISO serii 9000 pokrywa elementy koncepcji TQM?
Many companies are working very hard to achieve good quality goods and services, which provide a route towards business excellence. This paper presents main ideas, rules and structural elements of TQM-Konception. TQM is a method of management which is a particular philosophy-way of thinking and the effectiveness will be reclected by the results. TQM define the present effort and enable companies to achieve high levels both of global competitiveness and effective savings. TQM should be practical and at the same time show responsibility towards people affected by it. Main management should have a soul and consider the needs of those affects. Are ISO 9000, 10000 and TQM Routes to Business Excellence? (original abstract)
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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