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Liczba wyników
1999 | nr 3 | 15--25
Tytuł artykułu

Popyt na pieniądz w kategoriach teorii zapasów : Problem kosztów ekonomicznych w modelu Baumola

Warianty tytułu
Demand for Money in Terms of the Investory Theoretic Approach : Economic Costs in Baumol's Model
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest weryfikacja modelu popytu na pieniądz Baumola, sformułowanego na podstawie mikroekonomicznej teorii kształtowania zapasów w przedsiębiorstwie. Autor nawiązując do ujęcia tego zagadnienia przez J. Tobina, dowodzi błędne sformułowanie przez Baumola funkcji łącznych kosztów ekonomicznych, związanych z posiadaniem przez poszczególne podmioty rynkowe sald gotówkowych.
In 1952, on the basis of the microeconomic theory of the creation of reserves in an enterprise, W.J. Baumol formulated an alternative theory of the demand for money. In his analysis he assumed that the participants in the market, aiming at an undisturbed consumption process, form the level of the possessed transaction money balances in a way, which ensures the minimization of the necessary economic costs. In 1956 J. Tobin presented a competitive - in relation to Baumol's model - approach to that problem. In his theorem as the optimality criterion he admitted the principle of maximizing net incomes gained from the alternative - in relation to the cash money - use of financial resources being at the disposal of a given subject. Although the conclusions drawn from the income approach to the problem are similar to those drawn from the cost model. Tobin's analysis shows that Baumol's definition of the function of economic costs connected with the possession by individual units of the transaction money is wrong. The verification of this hypothesis in the main objective of the paper. The author, starting the analysis by determining the essence of the problem, has formulated an alternative function of these costs, conformable to the implications of Tobin's model. (original abstract)
  • Barro R.J., Makroekonomia, PWE, Warszawa 1997.
  • Baumol W.J., The Transactions Demand for Cash: An Inventory Theoretic Approach, "The Quarterly Journal of Economics" 1952, Vol. LXVI, No. 4.
  • Elementy mikroekonomii, pod red. Z. Dach, AE w Krakowie, Kraków 1993.
  • Hall R.E., Taylor J.B., Makroekonomia. Teoria, funkcjonowanie i polityka, PWN, Warszawa 1995.
  • Teoria pieniądza i polityka pieniężna, D. Duwendag, K.-H. Ketterer, W Kösters., R. Pohl, D.B. Simmert, Poltext, Warszawa 1996.
  • Tobin J., The Interest-Elasticity of Transactions Demand for Cash, "The Review of Economics and Statistics" 1956, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3.
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