Warianty tytułu
Transport in Logistic Service of a Company
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono główne przesłanki wyboru usługi transportowej. Omówiono badania ankietowe przeprowadzone w celu określenia kryteriów wyboru rodzaju obsługi transportowej w systemie logistycznym firmy. Dokonano analizy korelacji pomiędzy udziałem gałęzi transportu w obsłudze klientów a oceną jakości usługi, a także pomiędzy preferowanymi cechami jakości usługi a stopniem ich zaspokojenia.
The paper entitled "Transport in logistic service of a company" is a chapter of a collective work entitled "Logistic management". It refers to a large extent to practical dimensions of logistic solutions. The subject of considerations is the problem of preferences (criteria of selection) as regards the form and kinds of transport service in the logistic system of a firm (verification on the example of 31 manufacturing and trade enterprises in Poznań). The paper is based on the results of the author's own empirical studies. Starting with a definition of logistics system, the author presents the aim of his paper - the method of defining firms' preferences as to the form and kinds of transport service in the logistic system of an enterprise. Presenting the premises for the selection of transport services, he characterises requirements, expectations and preferences of firms describing at the same time further internal differentiations according to the character of demand for different kinds of transport services. Presenting the results of the survey addressed to the firms of different orientation (private companies, manufacturing companies, trade companies, firms with their own transport and those exclusively using transport services, companies employing several people and those employing over 1400 people, companies of different profile of activities) the author studies the premises used by managerslogistic officers responsible for transport. He analyses the correlations between the share of transport branches in customer service and the evaluation of service quality as well as between the preferred features of the quality of service and the degree of their fulfilment. Evaluating the quality of transport services for each kind of transport (rail, the company's own fleet of trucks, road forwarding) one can, according to the author's suggestions, define the volume of anticipated changes in demand in the future. The results of studies presented in the
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