Warianty tytułu
Genesis of Contemporary Business Conditions Processes in New Classical Macroeconomics
Języki publikacji
Przedstawione analizy teoretyczne prezentują najważniejsze hipotezy teoretyczne sformułowane w nowej klasycznej makroekonomii, dotyczące genezy procesów koniunkturalnych występujących w wysoko rozwiniętej gospdoarce rynkowej. Autor prezentuje koncepcję realnych cykli koniunkturalnych oraz hipotezy doszukujące się przyczyn wahań w dynamice wewnetrznych struktur gospodarczych.
Transformation which occurred in the majority of highly developed market economies in the period of the seventies resulted in the fact that the thesis and assumptions of Keynesian economics did not create a sufficient theoretical basis for the implemented economic policy. On the basis of critical analyses of the Keynesian trend and the main hypotheses of classical economics the new classical macroeconomics was created. A general aim of this paper is to analyse the most important theses which exist in the new classical macroeconomics and which relate to the genesis of contemporary business conditions processes. The author pays attention to relatively newest trends in the research of business fluctuations, i.e. to the concept of real business cycles and to the hypotheses which try to find the reasons for those fluctuations in the dynamics of internal economic structures. Theoretical models, belonging to the new classical macroeconomics, be means of which attempts are made to explain the genesis of contemporary business conditions processes, do not form a closed theoretical concept. They are only a colletion of satements out of which there result some defined implications for the mechanism of the business conditions process. The results of these analyses, based upon rational expectations of the economic entities depend to a large extent on the character of information upon which their construction was based. (original abstract)
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