Warianty tytułu
Economics in the Axiological Perspective
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy istnieje możliwość takiego pojmowania wiedzy, aby uwzględniała aksjologiczny aspekt rzeczywistości, postrzegając działalność gospodarczą nie tylko od strony racjonalności ekonomicznej, ale także jej miejsca w kulturze. Dla uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie jaki ideał nauki przyświeca ekonomistom i jakie są konsekwencje uznawanego przez nich paradygmatu naukowości, autor scharakteryzował wybrane zagadnienia filozofii ekonomii, zaprezentował możliwość wykorzystania koncepcji aksjologicznych w dziedzinie gospodarowania i zaproponował oparcie etyki gospodarczej na kategorii odpowiedzialności. Autor zauważa, że we współczesnej ekonomii można wskazać tendencje do ograniczenia zakresu odpowiedzialności poprzez podkreślanie żywiołowego charakteru zdarzeń gospodarczych zachodzących w skali społecznej, czy też głoszeniu, że ład gospodarczy i dobrobyt są rezultatami funkcjonowania świata wyzwolonego spod kontroli rozumu.
The aim of the monograph, to be most precise, is to answer the question: is it really possible to understand economics in the manner which allows for the axiological aspect of the reality, which means looking at the economic activity not only from the angle of economic rationality but also from the angle of its place in culture? In this connection, in part one, an attempt to characterize the selected problems of the philosophy of economics is made so as to answer the questions: what is, in economists' opinion, the ideal science like, and what are the consequences of the adopted paradigm of science? Because of the critical evaluation of the philosophical assumptions adopted by the orthodox economics, other possible methods of studying economic phenomena are being considered. The arguments aim first to show the limitations of economics adopting the reductionistic ontological assumptions and too restrictive epistemological assumptions and next, to present other bases which enable the realization of economics in a manner that combines understanding and valuation, That is what the second part of the paper deals with. It attempts to answer the question: is it possible to gain a knowledge of values that can be applied to economics? Then, the embracing of objectivism and cognitivism in axiology leads to the presentation, in part three, of selected problems of the version of economic ethics which is based on values and a personal subject responsible for their realization. In part one, the scheme of reasoning is as follows: it starts with the presentation of remarks on the subject matter of economics, then the characterization and critical evaluation of the positive economics are given, and finally, the advantages of the valuating approach are shown. At the beginning remarks on the ontic status of management are given. As an important element of argumentation it is shown that the postulated limitation of science to the explanation of facts cannot be realized by economics as management does not belong to the natural sciences. Economics is a typical "borderline" science and besides explaining the relations between economic events it is to reveal the truth about a managing man, and this means understanding the sense of this activity. However, the economics of the main current, which eliminates the value category, is based on mechanistic ontology, which is manifest in the reductionistic conception of man as homo oeconomicus and in treating the economic rationality as the law of nature. Positive economics, which is in accordance with the requirements of logical empirism, does not ask about the sense of economic phenomena, it formulates instrumental judgements only and declares itself to be a science which does not set forth any aims or ideals. However, economics, if it means the knowledge of the real world, is a social science. That is why it must be based on different philosophical foundations, namely: antinaturalistic conception of man, objectivistic axiology, and intentionality of economic activities. Acceptance of these ontic bases by no means lessens the theoretical output as mainstream economics is not accused of being false but of being single-track and needing a complement. Economics, if it is to be a science which understands management, should show its place in people's lives, and this is connected with formulating judgements and outlining reforms. Economics which undertakes to protect the market economy must approach it within the cultural context, regard it as a rational, sensible and creative activity. However, it requires a change of the paradigm which now should comprise not only the positive but also the understanding approach, which reveals the meaning of management. The second part of the paper introduces the problems connected with axiology. The manner of presenting them is to show the possibility of applying the effects of axiology in economics. First, the cultural dimension of management is discussed. Irrespective of one's standpoint in the dispute over the origin of economy (is it a social structure or a "child of nature"?), in order to understand real economic processes one must consider economy a part of culture. Economy is a relatively autonomic component of culture as the relations which it studies are determined by economic rationality. But because the particularism of economic rationality, which ignores the fact that management is only one of the aspects of life, leads to the crisis of culture, an economics which understands the sense of management is needed. Because of its creative character, management is not axiologically neutral. For this reason economics should take into consideration the axiological order of the world. In the last part of the paper selected ethical issues, which are to show the benefits of the axiological approach, are discussed. A question arises here: what does economic ethics base its recommendations on, and why should not only economics but also ethics be taken into consideration by a managing man? The fact that the sense of management becomes intelligible in the context of the creation of a world that is "friendly" to people enables us to combine ethical and economic judgements as well as to find the impropriety of economics treating morality instrumentally. However, not every ethical conception enables us to grasp correctly the situation of a managing man. Thus, with regard to an influential approach, which aims at solving moral problems with the help of the theory of the choice of goods, one can raise objections of economism and reductionism, which make it impossible to see the role of morality in the formation of a personal subject. Economistic ethics loses the sense of obligation, it presents ethical management in a causal structure and limits itself to searching for an answer to the question of "how to choose?", leaving open the question of "what to choose?", which it considers insoluble. Attempts to make ethics more scientific by reducing the moral value to what ensures the survival of the society are faulty as well. Biological functionalism and social functionalism, like economism, fail to see the personal aspect, which determines the sense of life and the degree of the inner development. An ethics consisting in objectivistic axiology and the philosophy of the personal subject stresses, however, the relation between the realization of the objective order of values and the formation of a personal subject. Morality is treated as an automatic value and not as an instrument to solve social or economic problems. The forming of axiological consciousness determines the development or man's subjectivity towards personal integrality and autonomy. An axiologically mature person realizes various values in the managing process, including moral, praxiological and economic values. An ethics which reduces the axiological sen- sibleness of the world to individual economic profit is incorrect as there are different values and various sensible ways of living. The axiological approach shows that by ethical management one both gains the inner values and realizes in the outer world the axiological order which is in accordance with one's beliefs. Paying regard to values gives meaning to management; in other words, moral values introduce an order. Thus, economics, in striving for economic growth and prosperity, finds an ally in ethics. Contemporary economics shows certain tendencies to limit the scope of responsibility. Economic rationality seems to impose definite solutions which are gladly considered the only ones by the scientists assenting to axiological subjectivism and relativism. The spontaneous character of economic events occurring on a social scale is stressed as well. The opinions of the "laissez faire" economists are based on naturalistic anthropology and metaphysics, which claim that the economic order and prosperity are the effects of the functioning of the world liberated from the control of the mind. Raising the question of responsibility for management necessitates adopting opposite ontological and axiological positions. Antinaturalism allows us to claim that economic systems, at least in part, are formed on the basis of rational principles, and we are responsible for the preference of economic rationality to other values because the attitude we assume towards the axiological structure of the world is our conscious and free decision. (original abstract)
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