Warianty tytułu
Investment Policy in Power Industry as an Instrument of Power Policy Goals Accomplishment
Języki publikacji
Omówiono główne cele polityki energetycznej realizowanej w Polsce w świetle dokumentu pt "Założenia polityki energetycznej Polski do 2010 roku", potrzeby inwestycji modernizacyjnych i ekologicznych w polskiej energetyce oraz źródła finansowania przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych w tym sektorze.
The task of new power policy implemented alongside the process of transformation and market-reorientation of the economy in Poland is to meet the needs of the market economy and the needs of the democratic society aware of its needs and goals. The accomplishment of all the goals of the said policy should not undermine the security of the country in terms of energy supply. Among a number of instruments employed for the implementation of the policy in question of great significance are sources of financing investment projects in the fuel and power sector. The sources of financing are power plants own resources, capital markets both in Poland and abroad, resources at the disposal of the government institutions. It is assumed that resources coming from the sale of power by power plants should constitute a major source of financing the said sector as well as pro-ecological projects. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, rozmowa z jego prezesem K. Chłopeckim, "Aura" 1994, nr 11.
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Typ dokumentu
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