Warianty tytułu
Cultural Dimension in the Functioning of an Organization
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono treść i zakres pojęcia "kultura organizacyjna", proces jej tworzenia, typologię kultur organizacyjnych, kulturowe uwarunkowania równowagi organizacyjnej i jej badanie.
In the article the authors discuss the cultural aspects of the functioning of an organization analyzed in the light of the literature of the subject and within the context of the contemporary conditions of the functioning of companies. The authors begin their considerations with the reminder of the cultural perspective in the analyses of organizations, then move on to the presentation of the main elements of organization's culture and issues pertaining to the shaping of that culture in a company. Aside from that, the authors define basic types of cultures and internal as well as external factors that they are determined by. Further on in the article organization's culture is considered as one of the main instruments of organizational balance alongside strategy, structure and procedures. While stressing the significance of organization's culture in the process of maintaining balance in its particular areas the authors recommend a regular analysis of the functioning of a company as regards cultural aspects, in particular in the period of introducing changes e.g. a company's restructuring. The final part of the article is also concerned with organization's culture and this time the authors point out the difficulties which a person investigating organization's culture is confronted with and also present methods which are applied in this type of analysis. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA