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The Role of Marketing in the Management of Bank Personnel
Języki publikacji
Autor omówił strategie marketingowe realizowane przez bank, obejmujące zarówno funkcjonowanie banku w otoczeniu i budowanie długotrwałej więzi z klientami, jak i zarządzanie własnymi kadrami. Podkreślił rolę każdej z tych strategii i ich komplementarność w trosce o budowanie wizerunku i pozycji banku na rynku.
The article contains an analysis of the fifth element of marketing mix, i.e. the personnel. Proper employment of staff members, their, training, motivating and evaluating their work decide about a bank's performance. The marketing management of staff members reveals suitable external and internal conditions in a bank. It indicates two basic strategies of managing personnel, i.e. the "strenght" strategy and "human capital" (resources) strategy. Apart from the above-mentioned strategies, the article discusses also other strategies of personnel management, such as managing through delegating, through the system, through targets, through exception, through orientation, as well as through quality. It has been pointed out that a bank is an institution of public confidence. Therefore, of great importance in the bank's employment policy seem to be the activities aiming at creating bonds between the staff and clients. The said bonds depend on the proper selection of pesonnel, the socio-demographic structure of employment, the employees' introduction to work, their training and perfecting, evaluation of their efficiency, promotion and analysis of reasons for quitting. Moreover, the role of bank managers in creating proper work conditions which influence the success of an institution has been in the article as well. (original abstract)
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