Warianty tytułu
Rules of Restoration of the Information Systems
Języki publikacji
Praca zawiera omówienie wybranych aspektów odnowy systemów informacyjnych. Ma na celu ukazanie roli i miejsca człowieka w systemie informacyjnym oraz sformułowanie imperatywów, które zorientowane na człowieka i na środowisko systemu informacyjnego mogą umożliwić rozpoczęcie i kontynuowanie procesu odnowy systemu.
Selected issues of restoration systems are covered in the book. These issues are treated as the main elements of the global information society. In the first part the following problems are covered: - collision of the humanistic and technical values, - characteristic of the human - computer system, - artifical inteligence function, - on the above basis - the leading role of the human in the information system in the age of the global information society. In the next part rules of the restoration of information focused on the human are covered and especially high responsibility of the human in the information systems is underlined. This responsibility is formed through development of the feeling of freedom in the system, proper personality characteristic, attitnoles and behaviour as well as through usage of ethics with particular emphasis on the computer specialist role in the information systems. In the last part the rules of resoration connected with the environment of the information systems are described. In particular software for human - computer interaction, hardware and workplace are examined as elements of this environment. The role of the natural language and pictures as a basic interface with user is underlined. (original abstract)
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Identyfikator YADDA