Warianty tytułu
Matching of Sales and Costs and the Valuation of Products in the Activity-Based Costing
Języki publikacji
Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy rachunek kosztów działań może być zastosowany do wyceny bilansowej wyrobów i ustalania kosztu wyrobów sprzedanych. Za kryterium oceny autor przyjął zgodność z zasadami rachunkowości, a w szczególności z zasadą współmierności i obowiązującą ustawą o rachunkowości.
In the paper the justness of using activity-based costing for the valuation of products is discussed, in view of the principles of accounting and, firstly, the matching principle. The author identifies two main problems which arise when choosing a model of the account of operational costs, suitable for a given economic unit and ensuring the calculation of profit in accordance with this principle: - choice of the method of identifying indirect costs of a product and costs of the period, - choice of the method of allocating costs to products. It is concluded that due to continuous changes in the manufacturing technology the contribution of fixed costs to production costs has increased. Accounting of indirect costs by means of traditional keys can lead in many economic units to the loss of isomorphism between the information received through the cost account model and the described economic reality. The use of the activity-based costing makes it possible to solve the above-mentioned problems, i.e. to identify the costs commensurate with the incomes derived. The use of the activity-based costing makes is possible to respect the matching principle under the conditions of changes occurring in manufacturing process. The activity-based costing is in accordance with the accountancy law and the recommendations as to the valuation of products included in the International Accountancy Standard No. 2. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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