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Spatial Policy in Leszno in the Light of an Act on Spatial Development of 7 July 1994
Języki publikacji
Artykuł miał na celu ocenę polityki przestrzennej wybranej gminy w świetle rozwiązań ustawy o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym z 7 lipca 1994 roku. Autor scharakteryzował działalność miasta Leszna w zakresie zagospodarowania przestrzennego w latach 1995-1998. Następnie zanalizował podstawowe cechy polityki przestrzennej miasta (wielotorowa i aktywna działalność gminy w zakresie zagospodarowania przestrzennego) oraz dokonał jej oceny.
The act of 7 July 1994 on spatial development is an imperfect and controversial legal act. It does not define the concepts applied and in many cases does not precisely describe how a commune carries out its activities. The article is an attempt to evaluate the spatial policy in the light of the above-mentioned act implemented on 1 January 1995. Undoubtedly this is too short a period for a profound analysis of the effects of this act, however, certain tendencies in the activity of the commune have already started to develop. Starting from significant regulations as regards carrying out the spatial policy, the author first characterises the activities of Leszno in the field of spatial development and then he distinguishes basic features and elements of these activities. Evaluation of the spatial policy of Leszno is not of univocal character. Its positive element is multi-directional activities the aim of which is to prepare the grounds for various kinds of economic activity. These activities do not result only from the duties defined by the legislator. Conceptions and spatial programmes are being developed in order to facilitate carrying out of the rational spatial policy. On the other hand, the way of managing financial resources allocated for this purpose causes concern. Despite tremendous needs in this field, a considerable part of the funds remains unused. The spatial development of Leszno is limited by ecological barriers. On one third of its area it is impossible to locate several types of investments. In this situation pro-ecological spatial policy becomes a priority. However, there is a threat that within the nearest 10 years the ecological barrier may hinder the city's spatial and economic development. Therefore, appropriate steps to overcome ecological barriers should be undertaken. (original abstract)
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