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Competition between the Cities of Integrating Europe
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest zagadnienie konkurencyjności między miastami jako centrami generującymi rozwój. Autor omówił przyczyny pojawienia się konkurencji między miastami w Europie na początku lat 80-tych. Następnie przedstawił podstawowe, jego zdaniem, składniki konkurencyjnej siły miast: nisze atrakcyjności gospodarczej miasta i nadwyżki znaczenia. Na koniec zaprezentował czynniki konkurencyjności, które odgrywają istotną rolę w umiędzynaradawianiu miasta.
The article discusses the problem of competition between cities which so far has not been dealt with in the Polish geographic and economic literature. This competition appeared under new favourable political and economic conditions visible at the beginning of the eighties in the integrating Western Europe. Based on the related literature, the first part of the paper pays attention to the essence and symptoms of competition between the cities emphasising a specific character and complexity of this problem. The article outlines some aspects of gaining a competitive advantage by a city from the viewpoint of management and creation of a dynamic policy of development. Internationalisation of many spheres of economy and of social and cultural life as well as the progressive globalisation of the world economic system have become the general factors which considerably accelerated the processes of creative competition between the cities. These processes are supported by modern technologies, both in communication and transport and above all, by the ways of information transfer and management by means of global computer systems. The second part concentrates on the niches of urban economy, starting from the characteristics of location values. The niches belong to the most significant urban values which frequently decide about city development because they usually constitute most valid arguments for gaining competitive advantage and enhancing attractiveness of a city for various field of activity. The factors of urban competitiveness discussed in the article create conditions against the background of which the authorities should act in order to win the economic success of a city as a whole and to strengthen its position in the hierarchy of urban centres. (original abstract)
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