Warianty tytułu
Agricultural Policy of the European Communities/European Union and Its Consequences for the Member Countries and for the Third Countries
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono naturalne i ekonomiczne instrumenty interwencji rządu w sektor rolnictwa oraz genezę i główne zasady Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej (CAP) Unii Europejskiej. Podjęto próbę oceny realizacji jej celów i konsekwencji dla rolników i konsumentów w krajach członkowskich i krajach trzecich. W tym celu zanalizowano koszty realizacji CAP za pośrednictwem Europejskiego Funduszu Orientacji i Gwarancji dla Rolnictwa (EFOiGR). Szczególną uwagę poświęcono skutkom przeprowadzanej w latach 1985-1996 reformy Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej.
The authores considers first the natural and economic factors inducing the governments to intervention in agricultural sector of their economies and the principal goals of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EC/EU, their consequences for farmers and consumers in the member countries and for the third countries. In the second stage, basing on the official statistic (EUROSTAT), the states out that - in spite of the enormous costs of such policy for the member countries - the CAP was uneffective, because its main targets were not realised. Therefore it exists the urgent need for radiacal reform of the CAP. Since the second part of the 80., on can observe in EC/EU countries the radical change of the goal of the CAP and the introduction of new instruments of that policy, aiming to avoid the huge stocks and the enormous costs of the CAP by approximating the prices paid to farmers in EC/EU to the world prices. In order to help the small farmers, direct subsidies and other forms of aid are provided. The authoress states out, that the contemporary agricultural policy in Poland habe to follow the new trends in the CAP. (original abstract)
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