Warianty tytułu
The Activity of Trade Unions in an Employee Circle in 1945-1948
Języki publikacji
Autor przedstawił sytuację ruchu zawodowego w Polsce po II wojnie światowej. Założenia nowej władzy, która uważała, iż w państwie "robotniczym" pracownicy nie mogą mieć odrębnych interesów niż pracodawca, doprowadziły do utracenia przez związki poparcia swoich członków. W nowych warunkach ich rola wynikała jedynie z politycznych stosunków z partią komunistyczną i kontrolowanym przez nią aparatem państwowym.
The final criterion of the activities of trade unions is the material status of their members. During the first post-war years, because of damages and natural chaos, the living standard of population of Poland was very poor. Practicall, there was no possibility of quick and radical improvement of this standard, and the Polish society was aware of this fact. When assessing the activities of trade unions, the essential factor was its position on different subjects of social and economic life. Workers expected that trade unionists fulfil (to the best of their abilities, which were quite restriced) the traditional role of representatives of their interests. However, it required the staff, ideological and organisational independence of trade unions from political centre. In post-war reality, this was in contradiction whit the basic doctrinal assumption of the new authorities, that in the ex definitione "working class" state, employees cannot have interests different that interests of employee. the logical result of this principle was margination of defensive function of trade unions in the name of their members and strenghening their services for state. (original abstract)
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