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Functions of Contemporary Bank - Forced Evaluation of Traditional
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem referatu jest próba usystematyzowania klasycznych funkcji banku (funkcja pośrednika, agenta, gwaranta, instrumentu polityki pieniężnej, płatnika) oraz wskazanie możliwości ich interpretacji w warunkach nowego, informacyjnego ładu gospodarczego. W dalszej części autor omówił wybrane aspekty obecnych, jak i przyszłych zmian w sektorze bankowym, w dobie integracji informatycznej.
One of the most spectacular features of passing from industrial to post-industrial age is setting very dynamic relation between information and other subjects, more or less "infected" by revolution of last years. Direction and extent of changes are extremely difficult to predict even for very experienced managers. There are some branches of economy, which are expected to be especially sensitive for shaped trends. One of them is banking system. New terms, such as e-banking, e-money and virtual banking are the symbols of changing times. On that basis critically important seems to be question of the future of traditional banking system, of traditional banks. Nobady should pretend that it is possible to maintain status quo in the subjects of management, communication, marketing, sales and so on. More constructive is searching for the ways that traditional bank is going to transform. Systematizing problem author analyse it (rather loosely) in a few areas marked out by traditional financial functions of a banking enterprise: Intermediary function; Agen function; Guarantee function; Payer function and Function of the monetary policy tool. Assigning some progressive trends to those areas we could get entire picture of a new bank. In fact it appears very different from the traditional one. While accepting some priorities for the criteria of maximizing the effectiveness of above-mentional functions fulfilment, we must also accept the fact that some of them should be performed by non-banking institutions. (original abstract)
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