Warianty tytułu
The Exchange of Goods between Poland and Selected Countries of the Former U.S.S.R. in 1995
Języki publikacji
Przeprowadzono ogólną charakterystykę wymiany towarowej Polski z krajami WNP w 1995 r. W artykule omówiono wymianę towarową z Rosją (głównie eksport produktów rolno-spożywczych) i Ukrainą (węgiel kamienny) a także z wybranymi grupami krajów: UE, EFTA i CEFTA. Autor podkreśla, że rozwój wymiany towarowej między Polską a krajami b. ZSRR daje szansę na rozwój polskiej gospodarki przez zwiększenie roli eksportu w tworzeniu PKB.
The papier is an attempt to analyse syntheical the exchange of goods between Poland and the former states of the U.S.S.R. in 1995. The paper is a comparison of the participation of separate groups of countries, such as developing countries, EU, member countries of EFTA and CEFTA, together with Russia and Ukraine in the exchange of goods between Poland and foreign countries in the last couple of years. Because of the that food and agricultural products play in our exports to the East, the author discusses in detail the structure of Polish food and agricultural exports, partiipation of individual countries in the exchange of food products, and prospects for the future. The specific strategic, political and economic importance of Russia and Ukraine- the two key countries of that region, because of thsir participation in foreign trade of Poland, strong growth trend of bilateral transactions (import of strategic raw materials, such as oil, natural gas, iron ore, export of food, coal, chemicals, goods of electrical and light industries)- and great, insufficiently used economic potential of these new subjects of the international law, are the reasons for the detailed presentation of the foreign trade turnover. the stronger and stronger competition in the postsoviet markets, actively supported by several countries, foreign investments analogous to those in Polandtogether with the formation in that region of an economic group, one of the pillars of which is the customs union, a lack of cooperation in foreign markets between Polish experts and producers (this is especially the problem with the export of pharmaceutics), together with a lack of proper communication, frontier and banking infrastructures - these are the main dangers to the development of the cooperation, and they must not be neglected. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- "Boss - Rynki Wschodnie" 1996, nr 10.
- Daewoo w Mińsku, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 8.
- Kołodko G., Nuti M., Polska alternatywa, Poltext, Warszawa 1997.
- Koreański skok, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 11.
- Kurza afera, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 4.
- Montownie w planie, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 10.
- Nowe w Uzbekistanie, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 11.
- Pawlik Z., Wielkie nadzieje, "Biznes jest wszędzie" 1996, nr 4.
- Polscy liderzy eksportu na wschód w 1995 r., "Boss - Rynki Wschodnie" 1996, nr 16.
- Rocznik Statystyczny 1995, GUS, Warszawa 1995.
- Ważny rynek, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 6.
- Wokół importu żywności, "Partner na Wschodzie" 1996, nr 8.
- Zakrzycki M., Oby tak dalej, "Biznes jest wszędzie" 1996, nr 4.
- Zielewska J., Trudne leczenie Wschodu, "Biznes jest wszędzie" 1996, nr 4.
Typ dokumentu
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