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This paper presents the preliminary results of research carried on at the Research Institute of Economic Development (RIED), Warsaw School of Economics, in the framework of the CSR project No. 1 P110 023 06 "Synthetic Indicators of Business Activity for Poland". The aim of this project is to develop an operational system of composite indicators, based on quantitative and qualitative data, which might be used for monitoring current and imminent tendencies in the aggregate economic activity. The research started two years ago and the grant awarded for this project expires at the end of this year. The RIED has applied at the governmental agencies for continuous support of its business surveying activities as well as monitoring services pertinent to the whole economy. The paper is intended as a summary report. A detailed presentation of findings and the discussion of problems faced in this research will appear in a separate issue of the RIED's "Papers and Proceedings". Composite indicators referred to in this paper are mainly based on available statistical data. The RIED has also developed a separate composite indicator of general economic activity based exclusively on its own survey data. (original introduction)
Artykuł przedstawia wstępne rezultaty badań przeprowadzonych przez SGH w ramach projektu CSR Nr 1 P110 023 06 "Syntetyczne wskaźniki działalności gospodarczej w Polsce". Celem projektu jest rozwój systemu operacyjnego wskaźników złożonych bazujących na danych ilościowych i jakościowych, które mogą być wykorzystane dla monitorowania obecnych i nadchodzących tendencji w zagregowanej działalności gospodarczej. Artykuł zawiera podsumowanie raportu z badań. (M.P.)
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