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Unemployment in the Health Service after Implementation of Health Protection Reform
Języki publikacji
Konsekwencją przystosowania się do potrzeb zdrowotnych społeczeństwa, w realiach gospodarki rynkowej, jest reorganizacja zakładów opieki zdrowotnej, czego naturalną konsekwencją są zmiany personalne (przekwalifikowania, zwolnienia, przesunięcia do innej pracy). Zdaniem autora, bezrobocie w służbie zdrowia obejmuje głównie personel gospodarczy, podczas gdy personel biały (lekarze, pielęgniarki itd.) ma możliwość podjęcia pracy na własny rachunek, przez podpisanie indywidualnie lub zbiorowo kontraktów z kasami chorych. Autor scharakteryzował sytuację personelu służby zdrowia z połowy 1999 roku.
The Act on mass social insurance and the novelised Act on Health Care instytutions have fundamentally changed the existing system of providing health care in the whole country. The most important change introduced by health protection reform is the change of the payer. The existing system of the finansing of health service has been radically changed. The role of the payer, fulfilled until now by the state budget, has been taken over by the national health service offices. There appeared new concepts, unknown until now in the health service payer, provider of services, recipient of services. A kind of market game emerged. Supply of services, demond for services, prices, possibilities to buy and sell services are important. The new financial situation in the health service necessitates adjustment. The new concept of restructuring appears again. Managers of Health Care Instytutions, in order to maintain competitiveness of their institution while offering the sale of services to National Health Service Offices, are frequently forced to liquidate posts, hospital wards and other economic units until now considered to be necessary for functioning of the instytution. Many difficult problems as regards personel management appear. People employed in health service are being made redundant. This concerns all groups, however to a lesser extent doctors and nurses because they can take up jobs on their own acount under agreements with National Health Service Offices. The months which have passed since the reform was introduced are too short a period to assess the extent of unemployment in the new situation. Managers are cautious about changes in their personnel. However, the nearest months of the new year (2000), evaluation of the second full year of the functioning of the new health service system will provide a complete picture of the implementation of market principles in the field of health institutions management and unemployment in this sector.
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