Warianty tytułu
European Integration in the Context of Globalisation
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono procesy globalizacji i regionalizacji we współczesnej gospodarce. Omówiono wyzwania ekonomiczne stojące przed krajami Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Wyjaśniono współzależność i sekwencję oddziaływania procesów transformacyjnych, inwestycyjnych oraz integracyjnych.
The changes taking place in the world economy today are linked on various market planes, in global, regional, and national (local) dimensions. The interrelations and linkages of the changes on various planes are not always appreciated, even though they can have a not insignificant importance to growth of economic activity. This also applies to Central and Eastern European countries, which, in transforming and opening up their economies, and entering the world economy market system, are facing two fundamental challenges: globalisation, and regional integration (regionalisation). Baying into those processes requires intensification of the process of change, and also generates economic activity, which could lead to an acceleration of growth in the Central and Eastern European countries, and their advancement in the budding world economy. However, gaining advantage from these possibilities depends on the interaction of numerous factors in the economies of the countries in question, and in their international environment, and also on the choice of methods and sequences of integrating on a European and world scale. Importantly, this is linked with intensifying the process of transforming the economies of the countries in question. (original abstract)
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