Warianty tytułu
Effect of the National Land Found on the Area Structure of Individual Farms in the Central-Eastern Macroregion
Języki publikacji
Celem opracowania była ocena roli Państwowego Funduszu Ziemi (PFZ) w sferze poprawy struktury obszarowej gospodarstw indywidualnych w makroregionie środkowo-wschodnim. Horyzont czasowy badań obejmował lata 1986-1988, w których obrót gruntami PFZ osiągnął najwyższe notowania. Podstawą źródłową badań były dane statystyczne, dotyczące obrotu gruntami PFZ i zmian w zbiorowości gospodarstw indywidualnych w gminach makroregionu, zebrane w Wojewódzkich Urzędach Statystycznych.
The paper discusses the effect of turnover of the lands of the National Land Fund on the improvement of the area structure of individual farms in the central-eastern macroregion. In the 1980's changes of the area structure were rather slow. They consisted mainly in reducing the number of farms of the area of 0.5-2 ha and 2-5 ha and increasing the number of big farms (over 10 ha). It was found out that the increase of the turnover of the National Land Fund was considerable only in the frontier zone of the Chełm and Biała Podlaska regions, which was first of all due to the lease of the land. In the remaining part of the macro-region positive changes in the area structure of farms followed mainly from the private (within families and among neighbours) turnover of the land. The income from the turnover of the National Land Fund was more than twice samaller. In order to improve the area structure futher on it is necesary for the state to run an active agrarian policy which stimulates demand (in the regions of big resources of the National Land Fund) or supply of the land (in the regions of the geratest disintegration of the farms). (original abstract)
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Identyfikator YADDA