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Natural Law and the Law of Nature: Laws of the Order of Existence or Laws of Culture?
Języki publikacji
Treść artykułu, to odwoływanie się do różnych podstaw, po to by dokonać próby określenia statusu, treści i uzasadnienia prawa naturalnego i prawa natury. Rozważania autora dotyczą aktualności prawa naturalnego i prawa natury we współczesnej kulturze oraz kwestii uzasadnienia tego, co pojęciami prawo naturalne i prawo natury jest określane.
The article discusses the question of the topicality of natural law and the law of nature and the status and possibility of its justification. While analysing the issue of the ambiguity of the notion and , the autor at the same time shows the relevance of the problem of that kind of law in the whole history of European culture. An essential question however, is not only its topicality in the European thought but first and foremost the possibility of justifying it in the being, or in other words, of deducing it from the structure of existence. At the same time the author points out the possible interpretation of this law as a natural law, which refers in its justification to either the metaphysical structure of being, or personal God, and its understanding as the law of nature, or the law deduced from the empirical being. In the latter case natural law turns out to be the law of nature. Taking account of the emerging difficulties with methaphisical justification of it as well as its content as the law of nature, the author concludes that natural law or the law of nature is a cultural term. It should be ascertained that as an institution of man's social life of that kind it rates among the essential achievements of human civilisation. (original abstract)
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