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Tasks Assigned to Philosophy by Karl R. Popper
Języki publikacji
Artykuł, stanowi próbę obrony filozofii jako dziedziny autentycznych problemów, którą dokonuje Popper, wobec opcji traktującej filozofię jako dziedzinę pseudoproblemów. W perspektywie zadań, jakie stawia przed filozofią Popper, jawi się przede wszystkim powrót do badania problemów przenikających rozmaite dziedziny wiedzy. Fundamentalne znaczenie dla Poppera ma sposób rozumienie świata i samych siebie. Celem jego filizofii jest właśnie filozoficzne uzupełnianie wiedzy o świecie, jak również sam fakt stworzenia wiedzy o świecie. Zdaniem Poppera, autentyczne problemy filozoficzne mają swoje problem poza filozofią, tkwią w samej rzeczywistości, zarówno fizycznej jak i kulturowej.
Popper carries out a successful defence of philosophy as a realm of genuine problems against the Wittgensteinian-neopositivistic option that treats philosophy as a field of pseudoproblems. This defence goes along the lines of indicating the domain of philosophy, which are the problems penetrating into various disciplines of theoretical cognition, the problems orginating in the reflection on the architecture of the cosmos. Philosophy is seen by Popper as a domain of critical discourse, whose sources go back to the ancient tradition - that of critical discussion in the ancient Greek philosophical schools. The attempt to defend philosophy, which Popper is carrying out, is a consequence of the situation in which philosophy found itself on the tum of the last two centuries. Philosphy was becoming more and more minimalistic, it was limiting its objectives and ambitions, it developed a dislike of speculation and methaphysics, and of all manner of radical solutions. For Popper, philosophy is primarily critical discussion. It sources, as he himself asserts, are found in the ancient tradition, that of critical discussion in the Greek philosophical schools. It developed as a concequence of the simultaneous work of the schools that focused their attenntion on cosmological problems, on the problem of change, as a part of which new ideas aroes as a result of open criticism. Its concequence was the realisation that our attempts to find the truth are not final but open to correction, that our knowledge and our theories are conjectures: they are more of guesswork and hypotheses rather than final, once-for-all truths. (original abstract)
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