Warianty tytułu
Levels of Selected Metals in Black Tea and Its Brews
Języki publikacji
Celem pracy było określenie zawartości metali (ołowiu, kadmu, niklu, żelaza, cynku, miedzi, manganu, magnezu) w liściach herbaty czarnej i jej naparach.
The geochemical composition on tea plantations is the factor determining the levels of trace elements in tea-plant leaves. The object of the studies was to determine the levels of selected elements in black tea brands that are bought in the largest quantities, and in their brews. On the basis of the obtained results one can conclude that the most metal contaminated black tea brands are the granulated ones. The brews were characterized by high manganese and magnesium contents. However, during the brewing process only small percentage of iron, copper and zinc contents got transextracted into the brews. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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