Tytuł artykułu
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The Slowness Functions for the Assessment of Rape Oil Savouriness
Języki publikacji
W pracy omówiono wpływ warunków przechowywania oleju (temperatura, światło) na jego smakowitość. Do opracowania wyników zastosowano funkcje powolności.
The kinetic functions of speed and slowness are used for the description of concave and convex, falling and rising curves. The notions of order, rate constants, specific and unitary rates are introduced. The slowness functions enable a more precise representation of the experimental data as compared with the present practice. The use of the slowness function is exemplified by the description of changes in the savouriness of rape oil stored at the temperatures of 282 K and 293 K under the conditions of light and darkness. The dynamics of the processes is determined. The rates at which the savouriness of the oil undergoes changes during storing are compared. The studies make it possible to determine how many times, under given storing conditions, one process runs faster than the other. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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- Metody statystyczne w doświadczalnictwie chemicznym, J. Czermiński, A. Iwasiewicz, Z. Paszek, A. Sikorski, PWN, Warszawa 1974.
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Typ dokumentu
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