Warianty tytułu
Possibilities of Financing of Local and Regional's Development
Języki publikacji
Artykuł porusza możliwości finansowania rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego w nowej jakościowo sytuacji w procesie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego Polski, stworzonej reformą administracyjną kraju. Zdaniem autora, przedstawione rozwiązania i uzyskanie wpływu na te procesy przez samorząd terytorialny będzie rzeczywistym wyrazem decentralizacji finansów publicznych i stworzy szansę realizacji celów rozwoju lokalnego i regionalnego.
The article moves the possibilities of financing the local and regional development in new qualitatively constitutional situation. The rising of the autonomy district: a commune and a province caused appearing of the new subjects of rights and duties, possessing of the decisional independence and fully carried responsibility for its own activities. The essential atribute of independence seems to be having its own disposal of the own powerty and relatively constant sources of financing the realized assignments. One of the essential assignments of communities government is looking after the local and regional development. However together with delegating of assignments, the sufficient means aren't delivered to the local governments for the realization of the tasks. The unstable system of financing of autonomies and numerous other barriers cause limitation of the means passing on investments. So the possibilities of financing of development by local autonomy (commune, administrative district) and regional autonomy (province) is conditioned by the necessity of the introduction numerous changes of the system. (original abstract)
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