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Autorzy przedstawili wyniki badań dotyczących wykorzystania algorytmu genetycznego do pozyskiwania wiedzy z sieci neuronowych. Do tych badań wykorzystano klasyczny algorytm genetyczny, w którym na podstawie funkcji dopasowania dokonywana jest selekcja w oparciu o metodę ruletki. Później zastosowano klasyczne operatory mutacji i krzyżowania.
The usage of genetic algorithm to obtain knowledge from neural network was researched. The authors used a classical genetc algorithm, in which a selection is made by means of a roulette method on the basis of match function. Then, they implemented classical operators of mutation and cross. (MN)
  • Andrews R.: Survey and Critique of Techniques for Extracting Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume: 8, Issue: 6, December. (1995) 373-389.
  • Arbatli A.D., Akin H.L.: Rule Extraction from Trained Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms. Nonlinear Analysis, Volume: 30, Part 3, December, (1997) 1639-1648.
  • Avner S.: Extraction of Comprehensive Symbolic Rules from a Multi-Layer Perception. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume: 9, Issue: 2, April, (1996), 137-143.
  • Freeman J., Skapura D.: Neural Networks, Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (1992).
  • Fu L. M.: Rule Generation from Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics vol. 24. No. 8. August (1994) 1114-1124.
  • Jagielska I., Matthews Ch., Whitfort T.: An Investigation Into the Application of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, and Rough Sets to Automated Knowledge Acquisition for Classification Problems. Neurocomputing 24 (1999) 37-54.
  • Krishnan R., Sivakumar G., Bhattacharya P.: A Search Technique for Rule Extraction from Trained Neural Networks. Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume: 20, Issue: 3, March, (1999) 273-280.
  • Mitchell T.M.: Machine Learning. Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc., (1997).
  • Setiono R.: Extracting Rules from Pruned Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, February, (1996) 37-51.
  • Thrun S.: Extracting Rules from Artificial Neural Networks with Distributed Representation. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Machine Learning, New Brunswick, NJ. Morgan Kaufman.
  • Tickle A., Orlowski M., Diedrich J.: A Methodology for Extracting Rules from Trained Neural Networks. Rules and Networks: Proceedings of the Rule Extraction From Trained Artificial Neural Networks Workshop, Queensland University of Technology, Neurocomputing Research Center QUT NRC, April (1996) 90-102.
  • Towell G.G., Shavlik J.: Extracting Refined Rules from Knowledge Based Neural Networks. Machine Learning vol. 131 (1993)71-101.
  • Towell G.G., Shavlik J.: Knowledge Based Artificial Neural Networks. Artificial Intelligence, 70(1-2), (1994), 119-165.
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